Mimique is a brand of premium leather handbags and accessories, handcrafted in Spain. We use high-quality materials and meticulously take care of every detail of our pieces. Our exclusive designs are designed for women who seek functionality and sophistication in their everyday lives.
Behind this name we are Maria and Yolanda. Economists, women, mothers and entrepreneurs, we are sisters and
twins, but above all, we form the perfect team for this journey. We love exploring and growing our brand sustainably. Mimique is part of our life's journey, and through it we give free rein to our imagination to show the world the way we interpret fashion. We are inspired by travels, places, the nature that surrounds us and the people who accompany us to shape our collections.
We are personally involved in every stage of the process, from the design of the products and their finishes, the selection of materials, dealing with suppliers, to the last details that make it possible for our items to reach their destination. Our philosophy is to create
quality accessories with a personal touch, that are durable, but always practical and elegant, impeccably resisting the passage of time. All our bags are multipurpose, our promise is that you can use them at any time of your life, whether at a special event or walking around the city.
We hope to convey our passion for the craftsmanship behind each piece. We hope you fall in love with them just as we do every day!